Industry News

What to Look for in a Medical Air Compressor | Southern California

medical air compressors

With changes in the medical field, it is often challenging to find the best industrial materials to meet the constant demand for professionally caring for those who are unwell.  One such product is a medical air compressor that will meet hospital standards to ensure the safety and proper care of patients.  By consulting with an air compressor specialists, you can find the best air compressors to meet the needs of your hospital.  There are a few things you want to look for when considering a medical air compressor, including:

  • Oil-free – We can pair our oil-less reciprocating air compressors with other top quality equipment depending on your specific application. Our oil-less systems don’t contain any oil in the crankcase or compression chamber. We realize that there are stringent requirements for your hospital’s air quality. This system ensures that you have enough air pressure for your application, and that the air you get is free of contaminants.
  • Oil-lubricated compressors – For multiple applications, it is uncommon for a laboratory to use the same air system as the medical air system or the research and development department. In such cases, larger oil-lubricated compressors can be used with proper filtration.
  • Highly reliable systems – From operating theaters to patient beds to laboratories, medical compressed air has multiple applications in hospitals, and must be readily available at all times. As such, our systems are designed with a minimum of dual redundancy to guarantee steady supply of compressed air in the event that one compressor breaks down.

To learn more about our selection of air compressors for hospitals, please contact our compressed air specialists today!

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